




積分: 284

發表於 06-6-7 22:55 |只看該作者

My bb vomited after eating egg yolk!!!

It's the first time my bb has egg yolk with congee. My helper only put 1/4 egg yolk in the congee which had corn and choy sum in it. She also made the congee with a small piece of meat, but it was taken out after the congee was done.

An hour after eating the congee, my bb vomited for 2 times within 10 mins and she threw up all the congee she had taken.

3 hours after the vomitting, she drank 7.5oz mami milk and 1.5 hours later she ate 1/2 an apple. When i got back home later tonight, I directly fed her for 1/2 hour. And now she seems ok. Has this happened to your bb? If yes, should I wait till she's 1 year old before giving her egg yolk again?

Please advise!

發表於 06-6-7 23:29 |只看該作者

Re: My bb vomited after eating egg yolk!!!

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積分: 284

發表於 06-6-8 18:56 |只看該作者

Re: My bb vomited after eating egg yolk!!!

Yan Yan thank you very much for you comment! I guess i will give bb egg yolk a few months later!


積分: 9395

發表於 06-6-8 22:27 |只看該作者

Re: My bb vomited after eating egg yolk!!!





積分: 7995

發表於 06-6-8 22:52 |只看該作者

Re: My bb vomited after eating egg yolk!!!

每个人敏感反應不同, 包括皮膚敏感/紅腫/嘔吐/侄息, 不知
大家有沒有睇剛星期日鏗鏘集" 內容 (04 JUN 2006)--
"一 觸 即 發", 主題係講食物敏感, 有時間可以click入去.

但 據 過 敏 及 免 疫 專 科 醫 生 估 計 , 有 百 分 之 二 至 五 的 兒 童 患 有 不 同 程 度 的 食 物 過 敏 .........

一 觸 即 發

當中女孩就是吃完花生後會嚴重敏感, 可立刻暈倒至死亡,
你baby 有机會對egg, egg yolk, egg white.敏感,
因大部分敏感源是高蛋白食物, eg: egg, cheese, all products of diary, cow milk, all nuts, peanuts, ...

除了遂樣試外, 可做食物測試.
because some foods are very common that cause allergy, but some foods not. different people has different response.

My son did this test and we can know what he cannot eat.. and though the test result will vary from time to time( mostly every 1/2 year), but once his sensitve cell disappears, he can eat the foods again. But some certain foods like
egg/peanuts, are difficult as he may be allergic to them for the whole life.
you never imagine that Rice can cause allergy, or even apple., which you can know only by skin test.

Please note the egg white cannot be offered until the baby reaches 1 year. Now you suspect egg yollk, then you can try again with just a very very little amount, to see the result. If vomitting again, you should stop it immediately. For breastfeeding mom, she must avoid eating it also.

please note that the 一歲針含蛋白, 如你baby is proved to be allergic to egg, you must tell the health center to give you referral letter, and your baby must take this injection in hospital, under the observation by the doctor.

發表於 06-6-9 09:12 |只看該作者

Re: My bb vomited after eating egg yolk!!!

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積分: 7995

發表於 06-6-9 09:52 |只看該作者

Re: My bb vomited after eating egg yolk!!!

your daugther is so cute!! how old is she now?
re skin test- there is over 60 kinds of food/material that can be tested. It really works for Moses and my friend's son( BK mom also), if no this doctor, both of us will be
will send pm to you about her tel contact..



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