




積分: 1585

發表於 05-12-8 12:22 |只看該作者

trouble two特徵﹖



積分: 943

發表於 05-12-8 16:53 |只看該作者

Re: trouble two特徵﹖

你點解想知呢, 你個小孩現在幾大啦?


積分: 79

發表於 05-12-15 13:36 |只看該作者

Re: trouble two特徵﹖

I want to know as well, my daughter is now 25 months.


積分: 3920

發表於 05-12-22 00:53 |只看該作者

Re: trouble two特徵﹖

請問...你係咪想問"The Terrible Twos"呀?

定還是"Trouble 2"係一個新term?因為我成日響bk都聽到有媽咪講起"Trouble 2"...但響外國,踏入2歲o既小朋友,佢地叫"Terrible Twos",而非"Trouble 2"。

如果你係想知"The Terrible Twos" (可怕的2歲) 特徵,可以參考以下文章。其實響yahoo search 度打 "Terrible Two",都可以搵到好多相關o既外國網頁info。

希望幫到你啦~! :wink:

Terrible Twos

Independence and individuality begin to emerge in two-year-olds. They are compelled to explore the extent of their new-found personal power. They often say "no" to every request, test limits, and resist attempts at control. This period, of what may seem at times to be total negativity, is often called the terrible twos. Bossiness, temper tantrums, and imitation are common behaviors.

Two-year-olds are passionate about getting their own way. They want do things for themselves, like run without constantly falling and climb up stairs or chairs. They want to be in charge of what they wear and eat, where they go, and what they do. A toddler's bossiness is a method of testing how much power he or she really has.

Toddlers will do things purposely to provoke parents because they want to know that they are loved even when they are bad. They are great imitators of behavior that they see and hear. If the parents tend to be bossy, so will the child. Handle bossiness with firmness and kindness. In time, children will see that there are better ways than their demands to get what they want.

Try these strategies to avoid problem behavior and reap the reward of a happy, well behaved, and independent child:

* Relax and approach your child with understanding and humor. Remain firm when necessary.

* Introduce sensible limits. Give your child a positive option when saying no. Offer compromises such as, "I will let you have one cookie, but not three," or suggest alternatives such as, "you cannot run in the parking lot, but you can run around the yard when we get home."

* Frame choices to avoid negative answers. Meet your desires and give the child something that is wanted. For example, do not ask if the child wants to go to the park. Instead, ask "Do you want to play on the swing or the slide when we get to the park?"

* Create opportunities where the child can safely be in charge.

* Discipline by channeling the child's behavior into suitable actions, not by punishing.

* Defuse power struggles by saving your authority for larger issues.

* Be patient. This period does not last forever.


發表於 05-12-25 00:07 |只看該作者

Re: trouble two特徵﹖

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