




積分: 46

發表於 04-7-4 19:24 |只看該作者




積分: 1294

發表於 04-7-5 08:33 |只看該作者

Re: 其實餵人奶會不會影響身材


積分: 262

發表於 04-7-5 09:56 |只看該作者

Re: 其實餵人奶會不會影響身材

Dear 天晴,

Breast feeding will make you thin quicker after labour. Yet, the breasts will become a bit sack, the degree depends on how long do you breast feed and how much is your milk flow.

Of course I don't know how young you are, but come to think of it, a few years later when we get a bit older, the sacking will happen to all women wether we breast feed or not.

Since breast milk is the best food for the baby, how about breast feed for at least one month. So that you can minimize the risk of breast sack, yet your baby can still enjoy the benefit of breast milk for the rest of its life.
10/03/05 - 16.7Kg - 107.5cm 15/11/05 - 17.5Kg - 112.2cm 25/01/06 - 17.3Kg - 113.0cm 30/10/04 - 3.49Kg - 49cm 01/12/04 - 4.73Kg - 54.5cm 05/01/05 - 6Kg - 55.5cm 08/03/05 - 7.47Kg - 60.5cm 04/05/05 - 8.3Kg - 65cm 27/06/05 - 8.9Kg - 66cm 16/07/05 - 9.09Kg 10/09/05 - 9.38Kg - 67cm 20/10/05 - 9.4Kg - 70cm 09/11/05 - 9.5Kg - 72cm 25/01/06 - 9.8Kg - 73cm


積分: 13

發表於 04-7-5 22:15 |只看該作者

Re: 其實餵人奶會不會影響身材

Hi 天晴,

JJ9198 is right.I pick up some information for your reference:

21 Reasons to Choose Breast-Feeding!

1. Human milk is designed for human babies. Many chemicals, additives, types of sugars, artificial vitamins & minerals must be added to cow's milk to make it tolerable for the human infant . . . but still it is not nutritionally-complete.
2. Human milk varies: During a feeding, over a day's time, from one breast to another, one mother to another & over time. The milk of the mother of a premature baby is higher in many of the growth factors & other nutrients her baby will need. In cold climates, there is more fat for energy. In hot, more water to prevent dehydration.
3. Human milk is low in iron, yet is well-utilized. An artificially-fed baby's gut bacteria takes most of the iron in formula, which encourages the growth of more bacteria which can cause gut damage, disease & blood loss. Zinc deficiency can be caused by too much iron.
4. Human milk is low in protein, yet contains other easily absorbed compounds for nutrition & protection against infection. Proteins in artificial formulas are not as well-utilized, so more protein must be added. To break down this extra protein & excrete the wastes causes an additional stress on your baby's immature liver & kidneys.
5. Human milk is ready-to-feed and comes in a safe container. Parents can & have made mistakes in preparing artificial formulas. Ranging from over-concentration (leading to hypernatraemia & brain damage) to over-dilution (leading to failure-to-thrive, even starvation) & sickness from poor hygiene & storage.
6. Human colostrum contains important antibodies. The secretory IGA coats your baby's intestines, to help prevent the entry of foreign substances through the stomach wall, that might lead to allergic reactions. Some is also absorbed to provide systematic protection. Colostrum is concentrated milk, especially designed to help baby's kidneys & all other systems adjust to their tasks.
7. Human milk helps to protect your baby from infections. It is good "medicine". If you & your baby are exposed to some infection, your breast-fed baby doesn't have to fight the infection alone. Although your baby's immune system is as yet under-developed, your milk makes & provides a dose of the specific antibody needed, as well as the non-specific antibodies factors.
8. Human milk can protect against the development of Childhood Diabetes. Due to the many nutritional differences, the breast-fed baby's endocrine responses differ from those of the artificially-fed baby.
9. Human milk can reduce radio-active exposure. All babies begin to accumulate radio-active strontium in their bones before birth. For the breast-fed baby, the body content of stontium lowers as your baby excretes more than is taken in. However, the artificially-fed baby has increased strontium in his bones, as cow's milk can contain 6 times as much strontium as human milk. The mineral content balance of cow's milk ensures it is deposited on your baby's bones.
10. Human milk is living tissue. It includes many substances that affect your baby's use of nutrients & also the immune capacity. Even the lack of one specific nutrient can cause immune deficiency.
11. Human milk contains, at last count, 60-70 enzymes. Since the function of some of these enzymes is still unknown, it is impossible to guess what the absence from artificial formulas might mean.
12. Human milk contains high concentrations of growth factors. Researchers say this may be important to the growth & reproduction of infant tissues. Growth factors are especially high in the milk of mothers of premature babies,. Insulin, also present in human milk, is considered to act as a growth factor. As well, growth factors protect the gastrointestinal tract & prevent the growth of duodenal ulcers.
13. Human milk contains human lactose. The high lactose content of human milk enhances the absorption or retention of several minerals. Lactose is vital for preserving the acid PH in your baby's gut, which favours the helpful bacteria needed to manufacture vitamins. Lactose is a crucial nutrient for brain growth. Artificial formulas use corn syrup solids, sucrose & other carbohydrates to replace this lactose.
14. Human nipples won't cause cancer. There has been great concern about the level of nitrosamines (chemicals known to cause cancer) in bottle nipples. In March 1984 the FDA began urging parents to boil bottle nipples several times before using them, changing the water each time, to lower nitrosamine levels. This may seem a trivial risk, yet those investigating stomach cancer must ask themselves about this very early exposure to the carcinogen known to cause stomach cancer.
15. Human milk concentrates its antibody level as your child slowly weans. Weaning begins the moment something other than human milk is added to your baby's diet. Whether bottles of artificial milk or solids, as your child nurses less the level of human milk consumed drops. Yet the level of antibodies rises. This is to help protect both your breasts & your weaning child from infection.
16. Human milk helps to protect against intestinal infections. This effect has been seen to be almost as dramatic in modern, middle-class community as in developing countries. In fact, human milk has been used as therapy in cases of chronic intractable diarrhoeal disease in older children, & is protective even against cholera.
17. Human milk can help prevent allergies. Prolonged exclusive breast-feeding will significantly reduce the incidence of food allergy & intolerance, even in families with a strong tendency to allergy. However, intrauterine sensitization is possible. Further, allergic foods can be transmitted through your breast milk. Changing your (the mother's) diet may bring instant relief.
18. Mothers have more control over their own pesticide & drug use than over the cow's milk used in formulas. When news reports come out about chemicals & pesticides found in human milk, there is never any mention of all the chemical pollution of formula. The pasture, the feed, the milk, the tanker that transports it, the water used in manufacture & preparation, the cans that store it . . . are even more at risk of being contaminated.
19. Human milk does not contain an over-dose of estrogen. Four New Zealand scientists say a baby drinking soya milk would consume 100 times the amount of natural estrogen that a breast-feed baby receives, equivalent to several contraceptive pills a day.
20. Breast-feeding your baby is associated with decreased dental caries. Milk does not pool in your baby's mouth (against the teeth) when suckling at your breast. The milk is ejected at the back of your baby's mouth & throat, spilling over the epiglottis (which covers the larynx), stimulating an immediate swallow reflex. When your baby falls asleep & stops suckling, the milk flow stops.
21. Breast-feeding your baby helps your uterus return to normal and helps to get your figure back.

Hope it helps.


積分: 1760

發表於 04-7-22 08:20 |只看該作者

Re: 其實餵人奶會不會影響身材

my mom-in-law was a nurse in HK. she told me that bf will help returning to pre-pregnant figure faster (that was b4 bb was born. she wanted me to bf at that time). now bb is 15 months old. she doesn't want me to bf for this long. and now she told me that keep bf will make my figure worse.
don't know how true this is .... but i don't completely believe it.

anyway, bb should be yr 1st priority if u're a good mom.


積分: 6630

發表於 04-7-22 09:58 |只看該作者

Re: 其實餵人奶會不會影響身材

我覺得餵人奶就好像一份禮物一樣送給自己的孩子, 一份他一生受用的禮物, 就是健康。 其他的都是次要了!


積分: 824

發表於 04-7-22 10:03 |只看該作者

Re: 其實餵人奶會不會影響身材

[ 本帖最後由 CherylMum 於 09-10-29 16:19 編輯 ]


積分: 794

發表於 04-7-22 10:38 |只看該作者

Re: 其實餵人奶會不會影響身材

唔餵人奶, 大肚時期個胸既形態都會變, 如果你咁貪靚更加應該餵人奶, 好似上面既cherylmum講, 餵人奶係好易瘦的, 我未生bb之前170磅, 生完bb150磅, bb滿月140磅, 而家7周135磅, 一直都冇減肥 (我原本125磅, 仲差十磅咋), 仲不停咁食, 奶奶又係咁煲湯, 而且精神同皮膚都好左. 比以前地獄式減肥, 減到個樣殘晒又辛苦, 簡直容易又開心, 起碼咩都食得. 雖然點樣瘦係因人而異, 但我好多朋友都係餵人奶後仲瘦過未生之前. 何況生完之後點都要補一補個身體, 唔可以即刻減, 對自己身體好對bb又好.

另一方面, 你可以買d哺乳胸圍承托力比較好的, 仲可以搽d firming cream (生完之後)來幫助你既體形.

餵人奶係你送比bb既第一份禮物, 希望你最少都考慮餵2個月啦!


積分: 794

發表於 04-7-22 13:24 |只看該作者

Re: 其實餵人奶會不會影響身材

還有一樣野要同你分享, 我有個朋友因為貪靚又怕肥, 大肚都食得唔多野, 點知個肚7個月就早產左個bb, 得2磅半, (一般7個月大既bb應該都要有3磅或以上), 好彩而家醫學發達, bb冇事, 只係住箱住左3個幾月, 到而家bb半歲先得14磅, 好慘er! 佢都好內疚!

雖然佢冇肥到, 但係變左國寶(熊貓)! 又成日擔心個bb, 而且佢個bb的確比較易病.

所以為左自己好, bb都好, 各方面都要諗清楚er!


積分: 6787

發表於 04-7-23 02:50 |只看該作者

Re: 其實餵人奶會不會影響身材

breastmilk is the best food for our babies!!!

a year after delivery, i'm now 108 to 110 lbs!
breastfeeding is good for both the mother and the child!!!



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