




積分: 56

發表於 07-6-18 11:34 |只看該作者

Need your own ID maid to help me....

My Id maid arrive in may, but her english and cantonese also not good, we cannot commiunicate, she seems not lazy but always don't know what we are talking about, every family members get angry on its, she try to read books from ID translate to cantonese, but still not work ..... what I can say is I cannot phone back to home when I work, ( because she don't understand) without my father or mother at home.

So, I decide to 'finish' her, but she don't know yet as the problem is she is not lazy or doing something wrong. I will pay her $3400 as the one month notice. I already find one PH maid, she can work for me in July, that means ID maid need to go bak la....

what I need help is :

she brrow $$ to wrok in HK, every month need to go to 7-11 to pay $3000 x 7 month, she only paid the 1 st period, still have 6 mths...I already check with agency that noneed to pay it by me, and I ask them how about the ID maid, they only answer me : "then it is her bad luck". So, I worry about she need to pay the remain $3000 x 6 or not? how did a 'fried' ID maid to pay $3000? but of course I am not rich, I am not paid it for her also. So, I really feel regret to her in this case, but for myself, she really cannot stay in my home, my daughter turn bad in discrimate when facing her... can anyone knows or ask your ID maid that did she need to pay the remaining $$ if fried.

I think only those ID maid know themself, pls ask for them ...


積分: 11847

發表於 07-6-18 13:37 |只看該作者

Re: Need your own ID maid to help me....

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積分: 5929

發表於 07-6-18 14:22 |只看該作者

Re: Need your own ID maid to help me....




積分: 56

發表於 07-6-18 14:39 |只看該作者

Re: Need your own ID maid to help me....

thanks for info, I know, but ...so that's why I said feel regret to her, I would like to recommened to other, but she seems cannot. ...... I don't want to 'slide' my friend or others....

is that already ask you ID maid about it?

I read her info B4 and said her english is 'excellent', but I only expect is 'fair' as I have another ID maid B4, her english is fair, also she claim that she have been work in SIN, I suppose her english is OK la, but she tell me that she speak 'Maly' in SIN, oh my god....

what I want to do is give her an excellent refernce letter, I will claim that she is very good, but due to my problem that I cannot hiring her ...

she speak to my daughter: "食 椅", you know what is it ? answer :"食魚", my daughter 2.5 yrs, follow her to said due funny even she know is "魚" .
she want to express "wednesday" but she said 'saturday' .

every mother, will you want your kid whose in the learing age follow her???


積分: 56

發表於 07-6-18 15:14 |只看該作者

Re: Need your own ID maid to help me....

now, anyone need ID maid? pm me la...


積分: 56

發表於 07-6-18 17:08 |只看該作者

Re: Need your own ID maid to help me....



積分: 11847

發表於 07-6-18 17:29 |只看該作者

Re: Need your own ID maid to help me....

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積分: 56

發表於 07-6-20 09:38 |只看該作者

Re: Need your own ID maid to help me....

thanks , but just want to share with others mama.....

I hire a maid because I need to go to work, nobody take care daughter, not due to rich and hire someone to serve me, salary $$ not high, maid each month salasry + tax + eat + use nearly need 4K, 4K is 1/3 of my salary, pls imgine that you use 1/3 salary to hire a maid but useless, cannot phone back home. my mom complaint that she cannot help her, daughter complaint that maid not understand what she want, so when I came, daughter will want this, want that, and me very tired...

my ID maid is not lazy , but not work hard too, at least she didn' done anything wrong (seriously).

main point is my daughter get naughty a lot when stay with her, e.g my daughter jump sofa, maid not stop her, even stop, daughter don't know what she speak, so daughter feel no one stop her, then jump jump jump. And, daughter want her to get something, but maid don't know waht she want, daughter feel that maid not understand her then cry, or push maid due angry, my daughter didn't do it before, so I feel that this person cannot stay with us.

Yes, I already hire another PH maid, because I don't want to waste $$, daughter get naughty, 3400 is not less to me, even I spend, at least is worth.

As before, agency told me that 3000 x 6 no need to pay by me, but didn't explain that who will paid or not, or only the agency want to keep that maid for me then maid can return the remaining 6 period.

actualy I feel regret to her, but , otherwise I pay $$ to her + suffer, so .......she suffer la. the agency also get problem, why they will spend such maid to work in HK.....


積分: 56

發表於 07-6-20 15:54 |只看該作者

Re: Need your own ID maid to help me....

I alreay check with ID Consulate, they say that the maid is no need to return money, simply said that is the employment agency 'bad luck' , due this maid cannot '生金蛋' with them.

because they come to work in HK, agnecy apid the ticket fee, visa fee for them first, 條件 is the first 7th salary need to give them $3000. if terminate by employer no need.

that is what the ID consulate said


積分: 11847

發表於 07-6-20 16:03 |只看該作者

Re: Need your own ID maid to help me....

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積分: 56

發表於 07-6-20 16:21 |只看該作者

Re: Need your own ID maid to help me....


I think you are the right person I am looking for, can you ask you maid my case pls......

As I feel regret so want to know more, but ....veryone said maid need to pay $$ too. So, I would like to check some info frm ID consulate, in case can help her. but there answer is like this.

pls ask you maid that if cannot find new employer in HK, need to go back ID, shuold they still need work in ID to pay the HKD18000? you know there living standard is low, how can they compensate HKD18000?



積分: 11847

發表於 07-6-20 21:19 |只看該作者

Re: Need your own ID maid to help me....

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積分: 1824

發表於 07-6-20 22:55 |只看該作者

Re: Need your own ID maid to help me....


積分: 56

發表於 07-6-21 10:16 |只看該作者

Re: Need your own ID maid to help me....

WA, thanks! let me click to read first.

that means the ID consulate tell 'lie' la....

they only explain it is not my matter about the remaing $$.


積分: 3202

發表於 07-6-21 10:53 |只看該作者

Re: Need your own ID maid to help me....



我問過D印印,佢地想黎香港做野,首先要入左去所謂既training centre (勞改營),入去係唔洗錢既,入左去就同工人整左profile先,同埋"教"佢地點做野...... 一路教,一路等有僱主叫佢,先可以離開training centre,無論工人入左去幾耐,一出城打工(做工人),就要比咁多錢比財務公司的喇,話係佢地係training centre 既食宿費..

我之前有個工人,黎到咩都唔識,教左佢都唔識,問返佢... 原來佢入左training centre 唔夠一星期就比我地點左出黎.. =..='''''''

想知佢地識唔識英文,同理解能力去到邊,可以睇下佢既學歷,印尼係中學先有英文讀,但佢地既九年免費教育係幼稚園至小學畢業.. 所以佢地醒既就明你講乜,連自己想講咩都唔知就正常的(我全家都識講印尼話,都可以唔明個工人講乜就知喇)...


積分: 56

發表於 07-6-21 12:24 |只看該作者

Re: Need your own ID maid to help me....


thanks for you info, I think my maid seems"入左training centre 唔夠一星期就比我地點左出黎.."

from the video, she introduce herself with fair english, at least better than now, maybe she pratice 10000 times...."工人唔好彩" is just their answerto me, they didn't tell me need to pay or not!!! why you can speak 印尼話? you know we cannot communicate, I am afraid she don't know what I am doing , can you write to me that :

"I don't want to hire you, here is your salary + noticifation fee + ticket"

Ah! seems doing something bad to affect her whole life, but being we in this commerical HK, if she cannot help me, then ..'fried'. I pay 1/3 of my salary to her, but she cannot help me also need me 'teach', then, next one pls, now changing her I also spend $$: $3400 noticifation fee + $2800 new agency fee ( local bun, already interview, I will not choose oversea again)+ $2200 air tkt, hope that $$ spend can slove my problem!

**bebesiu give me the links quite good, as I don't know got this organization for ID maid, thanks


積分: 3202

發表於 07-6-29 10:38 |只看該作者

Re: Need your own ID maid to help me....


呢個 post 推到我都唔記得左件事..
你個工人而家點,攪好未? (八卦中)


積分: 3202

發表於 07-6-29 10:41 |只看該作者

Re: Need your own ID maid to help me....


呢個 post 推到我都唔記得左件事..
你個工人而家點,攪好未? (八卦中)


