



積分: 240

發表於 07-7-9 08:12 |只看該作者

因為工作關係我黎左USA 已經11個月
過多1個月我就要返HK架啦...因為份JOB完左....而我只係拎Working VISA黎

但係我宜家已經有左bb差唔多5個月(Next wk is my 20wk)
佢係US local citizen...但係05年佢先同佢Ex-wife離左婚....


但係我擔心呢到無人take care到我....如果bb出埋世會更加唔知點算...so果時我就同佢講我完左份job點到會返hk....
同埋其實我又唔係好care張green card/us citizenship


不過我知道佢結過婚....批我green card就會難好多...

呀~ 宜家我都唔知點算好呀!
還是真係同佢get married左先...
or get married完返hk....

因為咁o岩我個blood test又話我有increased risk of having a Down Sydrome bb....遲d要去做further test





積分: 326

發表於 07-7-9 08:42 |只看該作者
hihi....我覺得係唔係度結婚係其次,你應先諗BB會係邊出世喎!!好快就出世喇!!不過你要考慮清楚…係度生你同你老公攪唔攪得掂,返hk有人take care 你。或者叫你家人過黎幫你生完,先再返hk。不過結婚真係比唔到意見你喔! anyway dont worry la....and take good care ar..sorry cant help uuuu!!


積分: 7794

發表於 07-7-9 13:21 |只看該作者
Sorry that I can't type in chinese.. just wana leave a message for you.
For your coming baby, what you have to do.. my suggestion is .. get married.
the reason is to give your baby a complete family.
The reason to get married, is not because you want to get a green card, who cares about it? as you don't care about it at all.
Secondly, you need to make sure, your baby will have the best care (not just new born) I meant, the medical care, study environment. Here in US, you can give your child the best opportunity to learn. especially for those who needs extra help. Cross our fingers that your baby will pass all tests and be a healthy baby.
If you give birth in hk, I would say, for living standard, child care and every thing, if you want to give the same standard for your child to have (compare in US), you must be a rich to reach it.
Where do you live in US?
You can still get married, then ask your husband to file I-130, I-485, I-765 in a roll.
Who cares that they approve your case or delay your case. as long as you are free to go in and out US. that will be fine.
Many of the states, we got BK moms there, you can ask for help.
If you give birth in hk, it is fine, then have you think about that you, your baby and your boyfriend need to separate for too long. Baby needs a complete family. that is my point of view.
Good luck.. ^o^
原文章由 M_E 於 07-7-9 08:12 發表

因為工作關係我黎左USA 已經11個月
過多1個月我就要返HK架啦...因為份JOB完左....而我只係拎Working VISA黎

但係我宜家已經有左bb差唔多5個月(Next wk is my 20wk)
我同我BF仲未結婚... ...


積分: 240

發表於 07-7-10 12:24 |只看該作者
thanks for giving me some suggestions

I also think that i have to get married first, whatever i stay over here or not.....

but do you really think that it's better for me to have my baby born in USA?

me and my bf are not that rich.....we may need the gov't support......i dont know it is good for us or not....coz i know it is really expensive to have a baby over here(the charges in hospital is $$$$$)

and i dont want ppl to think that i just like to be doing nothing and asking the gov't help

and at the same time, in USA i have to take care all the things by myself, without my mom and famiy.....do you think that it's OK for me?
although i have confidence of that....still i dont know wt will happen if we have a baby later on....or how to being a gd mom

i dont want to be selfish.....

i want to give the best to my baby....

sorry that i cant make a choice by myself ....and ask all of you to help me.....:-(

原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 07-7-9 13:21 發表
Sorry that I can't type in chinese.. just wana leave a message for you.
For your coming baby, what you have to do.. my suggestion is .. get married.
the reason is to give your baby a complete f ...


積分: 7794

發表於 07-7-11 03:30 |只看該作者

which state are you living now. Let me search for information to help you out.
原文章由 M_E 於 07-7-10 12:24 發表
thanks for giving me some suggestions

I also think that i have to get married first, whatever i stay over here or not.....

but do you really think that it's better for me to have my baby bo ...


積分: 240

發表於 07-7-11 12:16 |只看該作者
i'm now living in Florida

and actually i'm having the temp. medicaid, and it just finished on 6/30. Now i need to pay 33% of the bill when i have my prenatal check

原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 07-7-11 03:30 發表

which state are you living now. Let me search for information to help you out.


積分: 781

發表於 07-7-11 12:43 |只看該作者
"不過我知道佢結過婚....批我green card就會難好多" not necessary. They wil check on your supporting document etc. Unless his last marriage had problem with "fake marriage" etc.
Can he take care of you during your pregency and after bb born? If you think you may need more help/support, maybe it's better for you to go back to HK to give birth or have your family to come to US (if possible) to help you out a bit.
If you want to give birth to the baby anyway, I think it may give you more protection if you marry first. Especially marry in the US first.


積分: 768

發表於 07-7-12 03:21 |只看該作者
I agree that it might not be as difficult as you think to get your green card approved, especially because you are pregnant. That's the best proof! When I had my interview, the counsellor didn't even ask us any questions because he could see that I was pregnant. Unless your bf had fake marriage before, I think you should be okay.


積分: 20

發表於 07-7-12 10:20 |只看該作者
Well, I don't think they will question about fake or real marriage, because of love you can marry anyone you like. I think it is not safe for you to go to HK, one it is a long plane ride, 2 - if you have any difficulties, this will be very very dangerous. Can you extend your existing visa or apply for another visa?

Just take good care of yourself.


積分: 240

發表於 07-7-12 11:32 |只看該作者
thanks all of you....

I think I will back to HK first.....coz i have no confidence to stay here with nobody here, only my bf...

by the way, thanks again....

all of my friends also said that we should get married before i left.......not just have a promise to both of us and the baby.....but also let my parents feel better than I just back to HK by myself without anything....

I hope everything will be fine....:cry:

esp. my baby is healthy and OK....



積分: 3787


發表於 07-7-13 03:51 |只看該作者
5個月肚番hk..冇問題架, 我都係咁啦..我都係自己一個大住個肚番去vacation呀..唔洗驚..
我都覺得係度結左婚先好d..因你都同你男友大左肚啦, 又唔係玩玩下..咁結左都冇所謂jet..慢慢先攪番食飯既野咯.
反而係邊生都冇所謂啦..至緊要係有人照顧你呀.冇人理你就唔好係度生啦..第一胎乜都唔識, 好易有麻煩.你番到去hk, 叫你老公再申請你地黎..都得架..唔會太耐既.

原文章由 M_E 於 07-7-12 11:32 發表
thanks all of you....

I think I will back to HK first.....coz i have no confidence to stay here with nobody here, only my bf...

by the way, thanks again....

all of my friends also said t ...


積分: 171754

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 07-7-13 10:51 |只看該作者
Getting married in US can be very simple, just go to City Hall and register, have a ceremony (very similar to in HK) and then receive a certificate.
Before going back to HK, remember to ask your doctor for a copy of your prenatal check-up record so you may not have to go through all the check-up again in HK. Do you know any ob/gyn doctor in HK? Have you decided if you would go to public or private hospital? The cost can be a big difference. Where is your home in HK? Some of the public hospitals used to quite good but most of them are overwhelmed by pregnant women from China. You should ask your family in HK to check the details for you in advance.

[ 本文章最後由 rose-mag 於 07-7-13 13:56 編輯 ]


積分: 240

發表於 07-7-14 09:48 |只看該作者
I know that the hospitals in HK is a little bit overwhelmed...and I live in Taipo, where in N.T.
Thanks for reminding me I have to do everything in advance...

I already signed a paper to get back my prenatal care record....and I can get it on the coming appointment

and actually I talked to my BF seriously....he said he dont want to marry me by just signing the paper....and he wants to give me the best....
but I just let him know that if he didnt marry me and I have to back by myself ....it will be a shame for me and difficult for me to face my family....

he understand that and he said he will do that before I go...

But now I am thinking something different...

that's he may go back with me in Aug.
So, still do you all think that we should get married here before I go....or just do that in HK?

Thanks again for helping me out

原文章由 rose-mag 於 07-7-13 10:51 發表
Getting married in US can be very simple, just go to City Hall and register, have a ceremony (very similar to in HK) and then receive a certificate.
Before going back to HK, remember to as ...


積分: 7794

發表於 07-7-14 16:21 |只看該作者
Then, that doesn't really make a big different.. if he is going back with you.
The point is.. will he set up a wedding for you..?
with all wedding party, wedding ceremony, registration at once? Does he a chinese or a white? Does he know the custom?
Once you arrived in Hong Kong, better to go to hospital and register for yourself.. as you know.. once the appointment is full.. you may have trouble to gain a seat for yourself.
Anyway, you planned to go back to hk for labouring. we wish you all luck! ^o^
原文章由 M_E 於 07-7-14 09:48 發表
I know that the hospitals in HK is a little bit overwhelmed...and I live in Taipo, where in N.T.
Thanks for reminding me I have to do everything in advance...

I already signed a paper to get ...


積分: 171754

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 07-7-15 03:14 |只看該作者
I agree with Nillie_mami, it does not make any diffferencee. He wants to give the best to you - does he mean that he wants to have everything at one time. First of all, you are run out of time to prepare all these before the baby born. Secondly, organizing a wedding is not simple and fast. Now, you are pregnant, it would be too stressful for you to handle all the details, especially all your family members are in HK. Is your bf be able to organize it on his own? An oversea planning is no fun. I remember that I have to organize a banquet to accommodate my friends and relatives in HK. It took me at least 6 months and I have the full support from my sister who helped me out on all the details in HK. Otherwise, I could not make it. Also, money is an issue. I don't know if your bf rich or not. If he is, that will be no problem. If not, you should think about saving money for your child birth and care first - hospital fee (private hospital charged at least $30K in HK now), baby stuff, prenatal check up, various tests, maternity stuff, diapers, baby formula, etc.

I have a friend who held H-1B status to work in here. After her company fired her, she needed to either find a job within a month or go back to HK. Her bf did not want her to leave but she did not want to get married just because she wanted to stay. Finally, she got married and stayed but they did not have money to organize a wedding. So, they just signed the paper first and saved money for a year. They had their wedding banquet in the next year. I know several friends doing the same, even my sister. They have signed the legal paper first and having banquets or other stuff later. It made no difference to their marriage.

When I got married, I planned to go back to HK to sign the paper because the wedding ceremony held in HK allows more people to participate. I can have a whole bund of relatives and friends attending my ceremony in City Hall. In here, it would be limited to only a certain number of people unless I got married in a church or a private place but it required more money and procedures. I told my parents about my idea and they both got so hungry and they thought that it's the idea of my fiance not to marry me in USA. In their mind, it's my fiance who did not want to give me an official status in here (actually, I immigrate to here under the category of family reunion, not marriage). So, you might want to check how your parents think about getting married in here and in HK. They may think in a totally different way and it may make you more difficult to face them later.

Wish you all the best and keep us posted. We would like to hear your good news.


積分: 240

發表於 07-7-15 12:24 |只看該作者
Thanks again!!!!

actually....now I think the 1st thing I have to do is to tell my mom that I am pregnant....(sorry that I still didnt tell my mom yet.. )

then...I think if my parents agreed....we will get married over here first...and do the rest later on....

because my bf is not rich...so I think he is better to stay in USA for a little bit longer, in order to earn some money first.....and go to HK near my due date.....

and I will back to HK maybe on Aug 5/15/20

I am so glad that all of you are so caring and nice...

I really hope that I can settle down all this thing ASAP and enjoy my pregnancy....


積分: 3

發表於 07-7-15 14:15 |只看該作者



積分: 240

發表於 07-7-17 11:39 |只看該作者

Anyway thanks for your information
I think we will get married soon, hopefully in this month.

原文章由 BrendanMaMa 於 07-7-15 14:15 發表

我老公是美國人﹐我在香港與他結婚的﹐當時我已懷孕兩個月。好在我們結婚得早﹐因為如果結婚不夠6個月(若我沒記錯的話)﹐你的BB要取美國護照﹐手續會煩很多。所以﹐我覺得你快快結婚是好的﹐最重要是BB ...


積分: 7794

發表於 07-7-17 20:54 |只看該作者
其實先喺FL 註冊, 再返香港請飲.. 會好啲.. 因為咁會小好多麻煩, 為BB將來好, 如果你想父母知你嫁得好, 你有一紙婚書在手, 再返去攪個wedding, that's it..

原文章由 M_E 於 07-7-16 10:39 PM 發表

Anyway thanks for your information
I think we will get married soon, hopefully in this month.


積分: 3787


發表於 07-7-18 04:05 |只看該作者

原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 07-7-17 20:54 發表
其實先喺FL 註冊, 再返香港請飲.. 會好啲.. 因為咁會小好多麻煩, 為BB將來好, 如果你想父母知你嫁得好, 你有一紙婚書在手, 再返去攪個wedding, that's it..


