




積分: 310

發表於 04-9-6 17:00 |只看該作者

Any taboo for mother-to-be at funeral?

Hi, my granni has passed away yesterday and I'm 17 weeks pregnant now. Since I loved her so much, what I can/cannot do during her funeral? For example, can I go to hospital to help arranging all the matters? Can I go to her funeral (Chinese style)? Can I go to the "mountain" with my family? If yes, what I cannot do at the moment?

Since I don't have any idea about that, can any body teach me?

Katmami :cry:


積分: 1397

發表於 04-9-6 17:23 |只看該作者

Re: Any taboo for mother-to-be at funeral?



積分: 806

發表於 04-9-6 18:05 |只看該作者

Re: Any taboo for mother-to-be at funeral?

Dear Katmami,

I am a Christian. If I were you I must go to attend the funeral ceremory for your loved one - your Ganni ! No regret!

You can consult to your hubby and parent, parent-in-law their comment.

When I was in pregency week 22, one of the Baby-kingdom member passed away. I wanna to go to her funeral ceremory, but end-up I did not go because that was on weekend day (I need go to work). I just sent her flowers.

I believed it is totally up to you. If you really missed her better to join it. If you feel not comfortable, better not to do it.


積分: 310

發表於 04-9-7 10:04 |只看該作者

Re: Any taboo for mother-to-be at funeral?

Hi, Mrs. Yuen, nsinsi,

Thanks for your advice.

I've asked my mother-in-law for opinion, and she soothed me that there's no taboo for her family and she totally agreed that my granni was an important member in our family so that I should attend her funeral. But on the contrary, my mother feels quite worry about that -- but she'll ask for opinion from many other parties cos she insists that this is for my/my baby's own good. Anyway I will follow my mother's instruction.... Actually she really wants me to attend...

My granni's already 91 years old. Even though we all miss her, we all think it's good for her to stay in heaven rather than in the cool, ironic hospital bed.

By the way, do you have any idea of which service provider (funeral in Chinese style) is good?

Katmami :-|


積分: 1397

發表於 04-9-7 15:50 |只看該作者

Re: Any taboo for mother-to-be at funeral?

I quite understand your mom's worries because if anything happens (touchwood) she will be in trouble. You really need to take goo care of yourself. I know someone in the business. If you will need contacts please pm me.


積分: 8147

發表於 04-9-7 16:29 |只看該作者

Re: Any taboo for mother-to-be at funeral?

李家兩條King - 大哥哥Cyrus B, 細佬佬Ryan Lee, 都係爹爹媽媽既心肝寶貝, 得閒入黎我地網頁look look啦!


積分: 310

發表於 04-9-8 10:24 |只看該作者

Re: Any taboo for mother-to-be at funeral?

Hi, Mrs. Yuen, "Careful-woman",

Thanks for sharing your experience. The final decision of my mami is that, she will not allow me to do anything. She said every body will understand that and it'll be hard for me to deal with it physically and I should not bear this "risk" of breaking the taboo....(She's always being very nervous about all these kind of matters.) Since I don't want her to be unhappy and too worry (She'll black-face to me and has excuse to complaint me everyday.....For example, I re-decorated my home when I was having my 1st baby and turned out that my boy has 2 pits/little holes beside ears, then she keeps on complaining me about that until today.... But I know that is because she loves me so much...) Therefore, I'll just support financially and will send my hubby to help during the process..

Thanks anyway. Hope every of you happy and healthy.



