



積分: 768

發表於 11-7-9 03:08 |只看該作者
Adding responses from FB

Rose-mag: (2A+2c) chicken wings/drumsticks + 蛋糕
Fongfongma: (2a+2c) dessert
Mrschao: (5A+4C) California Rolls, Seaweed, Fishball in curry sauce, sandwich platter
rikaG: (2A+2C) Cookies, juice boxes, soda
joannechak: (2A+2C) Fruit Platter
KellyIcy2A+1C)plates,cups,floks,spons,knives,chopsticks and paper towels
HappyMatt: (1A+1C)
korg: (4A+1C+1B) 紅豆沙, cooked vegetable
Babytomato: (2A+2C) fruit kabobs 如果有時間就整茶葉蛋
Leon&Kaden: (1A+1C)
ndw : (2-4 A + 3 C) Hot Dog Buns and All Natural Chicken Apple Sausages or Hot Dog, + a KEG of 5L Rootbeer. (All natural ingradient with NO high fructose corn syrup, NO food coloring, no....)
Kathy: (2A+1C)
Ken: (2A+1C) bottles of water


積分: 768

發表於 11-7-9 03:16 |只看該作者
KellyIcy, don't feel bad about not knowing what food item to bring. The utensils and supplies are as important, or we all have to eat with our fingers!

On top of that, I'll bring plastic table cloth and a gazebo.

Just checked weather forecast that it will be 74 degree highest in San Mateo tomorrow. That's perfect; not too hot but sure warm enough. It may be windy at times by the bay, so bring a light jacket and don't forget your sun block!

Again I'll be there around 10am to claim the sites and to set up. You're more than welcome to come early too! Otherwise see you all at 11am!!


積分: 785

發表於 11-7-9 09:14 |只看該作者
Aiya. Sorry ah eveybody. Sign up for this event but didn't check the post for long time since just changed to a new job and can't get online as easy as before.

Anyway, Matthew & I will be there maybe earlier than 11am coz gotta leave early since Matthew's swimming class start at 1:15pm and gotta drive all the way back to San Ramon.

Don't know what to bring yet, please feel free to let me know any suggestion and I'll grab that from store tomorrow morning.


積分: 13718

發表於 11-7-9 11:47 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 ndw 於 11-7-9 12:47 編輯

回覆 HappyMatt 的帖子

Hi HappyMatt,
Looking forward to see you. My husband said we want to get there earliy at 10-ish too.
Suggestiong a pack of ice cubes for making the drink cold? My hard case coolers has given out to friends, so I don't have cooler for ice cubes. I will ask my Dad for one Tomorrow Morning.

I have mustard, relishes to go with the hog dog, but I don't have catchup. (We don't eat catchup) If you can, please bring some for others.

Hi All,
I planed to go to store to get a regular pack of hot dog, but I am runing out of time. I only have 15 all natural sausages at home but I have 24 hot dog buns. I am thinking that I will made some Swidish meetball (good ingradients) instead to put on the extra hot dog buns just like what SubWay offers (meet ball Sub-Sandwich)


積分: 785

發表於 11-7-9 14:58 |只看該作者
Hi ndw,

I will go grab ice cubes & take my cooler with me. Will buy catchup too!!

Looking forward to see you all tomorrow.


積分: 785

發表於 11-7-9 14:58 |只看該作者
Hi ndw,

I will go grab ice cubes & take my cooler with me. Will buy catchup too!!

Looking forward to see you all tomorrow.


積分: 171754

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 11-7-9 15:23 |只看該作者
We will have breakfast with a friend and DH needs to do laundry but we would try to arrive before 11am. Chicken wings/ drumsticks and strawberry chocolate cake are all ready. See you all there.


積分: 1086

發表於 11-7-9 17:29 |只看該作者
Hello all,

Look forward to see you guys tomorrow!! We will arrive at around 12.30pm, cos we have a parent training class in the morning.

  [url=HEIB'S ALBUM]http://www.babyhome.com.tw/luyinhei[/url]


積分: 13718

發表於 11-7-10 00:05 |只看該作者
I am runing out of time to prepared food. I just have enough time to prepared sausage. So, no meet balls.
We will added one more items to bring: seedless green grapes.
Rootbeer, it's very hard to preserve the freshness. We don't want to bring too much and see it go waste. So, we are bringing about 1 litter of rootbeer as sample.

Sorry for the late notice of food change. But the meanning of this gethering is not on the food anyway. Let us have fun and get to know each other.


積分: 768

發表於 11-7-10 09:40 |只看該作者
It was great meeting you all in person/seeing you again today! We had at least 13 families that came. Hope you and your families had fun. My kids did and they fell to sleep right away on the way home.

P.S. In case you wonder, the stroller was finally picked up and the owner of the clothes also called me; otherwise I'll need to set up a lost & found.


積分: 13718

發表於 11-7-10 11:43 |只看該作者
It is a very good place for our gathering. The facility is very good for family with young kids like us.
It is a good choice. Thank you for organizing this event. We have fun and good time.
My husband said our children had a hard time to leave the playground and need him to get there to pull them out.

After I think about the location some more, indeed, it is locate at the mid west of the Bay Area. It is pretty centrally located.

My daughter asked me: "Can we come back Tomorrow?"
I said, "We can, but even if we came Tomorrow, these friends may not be back Tomorrow."
My husband said: "You know people do not live in this park."


積分: 1086

發表於 11-7-10 16:08 |只看該作者
ndw & all,

Welcome to San Mateo!! And nice to meet you all!! Let me know if you would like to come again! Thank you for organizing too!

The park is very very close to my home, just few mins. First time to go there, and we will go again for sure. My son enjoyed the playground very much. It's really good for sensory. especially the longest slide.

Look forward to the next gathering

  [url=HEIB'S ALBUM]http://www.babyhome.com.tw/luyinhei[/url]


積分: 8223

畀面勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 11-7-11 14:52 |只看該作者
We had a great time yesterday too! Thanks Mrschao and rose-mag for planning and organizing this gathering.

Looking forward to seeing you all in the next one....


積分: 171754

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 11-7-12 00:22 |只看該作者
Hi all,

Hope that everyone enjoy the gathering. We did and really did not realize that we had been in the park for 5 hours. The play structure (the super slide) is great 靜靜雞話你地知,我自己都想上去玩呀,不過我超晒齡,唔係幾好意思。

Already thinking about having another one in September, would let you all know later. If you drop by SF or want to have playdate (for either the kids or the parents) in the weekends, give me a call and we can arrange. Our family is free on the weekends and usually take the kids out to parks in the morning.


積分: 13718

發表於 11-7-12 12:56 |只看該作者
korg 發表於 11-7-10 16:08
ndw & all,

Welcome to San Mateo!! And nice to meet you all!! Let me know if you would like to come ...

Thank you. I will let you know ahead of time to see if you can come to meet us in the park.

Hi All,
We live right across the bay shore. And on our side of bay shore, there is a park with play ground too. Free parking and no entrance fee. Next time when I go that park, I will pay more attention to see if they have similar high slide. Definitly, there is another park farther inland but still in our neighborhood has one like this but with no Top cover. Each design has its good and bad, diference in potential of injure to children.

I am looking forward to see you all next gethering. May be I will bring hamburgers next time and more Rootbeer


積分: 13718

發表於 11-7-12 13:09 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 ndw 於 11-7-12 13:17 編輯
rose-mag 發表於 11-7-12 00:22
Hi all,

Hope that everyone enjoy the gathering. We did and really did not realize that we had been ...


上次去 Gillroy Garden 我個細女連最短0既滑梯都唔敢滑,搞到我要當住一對站響滑梯下我唔識0既爺爺嫲嫲同我老公面,我左望望,右望望自己生過 BB 後給賺闊左0既臀部,眼度度夠唔夠位同細女一起滑落去。好在都夠。 mouth: 引到大家都笑呵呵!


積分: 171754

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 11-7-12 13:48 |只看該作者


積分: 309

發表於 11-7-12 15:06 |只看該作者
Hi all,


積分: 768

發表於 12-6-9 08:13 |只看該作者
Hello all,

Can't believe it's almost one year since our last gathering already! Let's get together again!

I'm looking at the calendar and have picked the following 3 Saturdays. Please vote and also suggest what you'd like to do this time. We can go to the same park in San Mateo as last year, or we can do something else.
July 7
July 14
July 21


積分: 171754

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 12-6-10 00:39 |只看該作者
mrschao 發表於 12-6-8 16:13
Hello all,

Can't believe it's almost one year since our last gathering already! Let's get together ...
Time flies... I am available on all 3 Saturdays, kids have swimming classes in the morning but should be fine after 11:00am. Let me post in the FB page. I think Coyote Point is very nice one.


