




積分: 3367

發表於 06-2-6 17:50 |只看該作者

Re: 教仔教到好激氣!


這些事已困擾了我很久, 但都沒辦法解決. 兒子3.3 years old, 乖的時候, 好有自信,幾有禮貌的. 但邁到以下情況就好惡,沒禮貌(態度及語氣差),發脾氣:

(1) 唔小心整痛佢
(2) 反對佢
(3) 在學校其他小朋友坐了他的位

當佢這樣的時候,我都會要佢唔好咁惡,發脾氣,態度唔好咁差, 因為好小事. 如在(1)的情況下, 我都會同佢say sorry說媽媽無心家.但佢的態度都係好惡, 還說, sorry沒用的..

我已常常提醒佢,唔好惡及發脾氣...佢明白, 乖的時候還說,“係好事, 小事變無事”, 但一邁到以上情況, 就唔記得...哎, 我唔知可以怎教佢好.

[url=Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker]Lilypie.com[/url]


積分: 319

發表於 06-2-6 18:16 |只看該作者

Re: 教仔教到好激氣!

Here’s what we did when our son was about 1.5 years old.

When he tried to get near the electric fan, we told him not to. When he did, we grabbed his hand and it hard, then we got down to his body height, got his eye contact and said ‘dangerous’. When he did it again, we repeated the same process. If he asked why, we explained.

He did cry the first few times he was hit on his hand but we never let him get away with it. That means he could never go unpunished after he touched the fan. We shouted at him only when he got very close to danger. But we never lost temper in his presence.

When he was insistent in his wrongdoings, we ignored him. We went about our business as usual until he said sorry. We got weak at times and let the moment pass but we always finally in return got the consequence of his insistence of his wrongdoings next time he did it. So, we never let him go unpunished. No matter it is slapping his hand, ignoring him for 15 mins, holding him very tight for 2 minutes, or as simple as saying sorry. Every time, he does something wrong, we tell him it’s a mistake, then he will say sorry. If it’s a minor accident, he’ll ask , ‘Mama, have I done something wrong?’

There were times when he was approaching 2 he liked hitting people. We told him he could hit pillows, sofas, bed sheets and so on but never people. Even when he was angry and he raised his hand, about to hit people, we stopped him by an angry look, and always the 3 slaps on his hand. When we were playing and having fun and he suddenly lost control, hitting anyone, he had to apologize immediately, saying sorry by looking at the person he hit. We made sure there was no one case of exception. He now doesn’t have this habit. And we get confirmation from his teachers.

Our methods can be summarized as follows:
1. Punishment, no losing our temper
2. short and clear message
3. hitting his hand for serious mistakes
4. ignoring him if he doesn’t say sorry for his wrongdoings
5. make use of every possible and timely moment to do reflection for him, so he might get used to thinking back, having the chance to talk about himself, good or bad

Our son is now 4 and he’s in good shape, we think. And I hope all these may help.


積分: 378

發表於 06-2-6 19:05 |只看該作者

Re: 教仔教到好激氣!

gitmee 寫道:
Sue^_^ :




這次你們的處理方法,可能會令小朋友覺得:我唱歌 daddy mummy 就錫我,唔唱就唔錫。假如你仔仔因為咁而就範,我覺得好悲哀!




積分: 34919

發表於 06-2-6 23:04 |只看該作者

Re: 教仔教到好激氣!

gitmee 寫道:





積分: 34919

發表於 06-2-6 23:18 |只看該作者

Re: 教仔教到好激氣!


睇完你詳盡既解法, 我諗我自己缺少既就係repeat & repeat 咁去比囝仔知佢既問題. 不過我有一個困難, 我囝仔日間係由工人湊架, 夜晚我鬧佢既時候, 佢好多時都會走埋去工人到求救, 有時我工人已經醒目入房, 不過囝仔知佢入左房, 就喺房門口喊, 我地唔理佢, 佢試過訓喺地下喊, 仲試過將自己個額頭撞落地下添呀 我地一見到, 當然即刻抱起佢啦, 我咁樣做會唔會有問題呢


積分: 94

發表於 06-2-6 23:40 |只看該作者

Re: 教仔教到好激氣!

Thanks gitmee for advising.
呢幾日我盡量留意佢, 稍有發脾氣或打我扔


積分: 94

發表於 06-2-6 23:44 |只看該作者

Re: 教仔教到好激氣!

JonasMaMa 寫道:
cway 寫道:

睇完你詳盡既解法, 我諗我自己缺少既就係repeat & repeat 咁去比囝仔知佢既問題. 不過我有一個困難, 我囝仔日間係由工人湊架, 夜晚我鬧佢既時候, 佢好多時都會走埋去工人到求救, 有時我工人已經醒目入房, 不過囝仔知佢入左房, 就


積分: 3573

發表於 06-2-7 11:27 |只看該作者

Re: 教仔教到好激氣!

我個女每次做錯事我都要佢罰企呀! 罰完先同佢講點解要咁做, 下次記得唔好啦! 再錯再罰.


積分: 34919

發表於 06-2-7 14:36 |只看該作者

Re: 教仔教到好激氣!

JonasMaMa 寫道:

My son is 18 months old only, he is unable to speak, seems he doesn't know what is 罰企, 典算呀 :-(
我地囝仔一樣大, 我諗就算佢地未識講野, 我地都重複又重複咁教佢地, 佢地遲早識既, 好似你教囝仔睇書咁, 佢都唔係day 1 就會坐喺度聽, right


積分: 319

發表於 06-2-7 15:23 |只看該作者

Re: 教仔教到好激氣!

Repetition to us is the reinforcement of the message - he will be punished when he does something wrong.

We believe the message is much more important than the words or us posing as examples for him to follow and copy. So when even the domestic helper is punishing our BB, we never interfere. Even when we have conflicting views about BB's education, we still help each other out first by reinforcing the punishment and settle our disputes later when the BB is asleep. When BB's asking for help from his granny, his granny will help us by ignoring him or asking him to say sorry to whoever he has wronged.

I don't believe the BB will kill himself by banging his head on the wall. (To protect him, try the plastic floor mats and place them everywhere he can find a hard wall or floor). The message, which is very wrong, of banging his head against the wall is the worried parents and he will soon get what he wants. The BB is controlling the parents and not the other way round.

I remember when our baby was about 2, he once got his whole body on the floor, yelling and shouting, crawling like an animal, completely in opposite to the education we have given him - just a simple want: a very cheap toy car he saw in a cheap toy shop. The place where this happened was very near a wet market, extremely dirty.

My reaction was to pick him up so that he might not get sick from the dirtiness. But I ignored him and kept walking on, as if nothing had happened. My focus was the message - it's no use going naughty and no one would care and give him what he wants. After that, he never once got so naughty as to yell, crawl, cry in the public. He knew long time ago that once he does that, we will only walk away and he will, every single time, get his punishment. After punishment, no candy or whatever in th form of rewards for at least ONE day.

I don't quite remember when I last got angry with him but I think this insistence give us rewards - BB's reasonably good behaviour.

My experience about BB's age and the time when he couldn't even speak is like this - when the message is right and consistent, BBs undersatnd. I started hitting his hand (extremely gently) when he tried to get near an electric fan when he was less than 1 year old.

Hope it helps.


積分: 34919

發表於 06-2-7 16:19 |只看該作者

Re: 教仔教到好激氣!


i understand what you mean,

your words of "message is right and consistent", i really need much hard work


積分: 10694

發表於 06-2-10 00:46 |只看該作者

Re: 教仔教到好激氣!




積分: 3573

發表於 06-2-10 10:11 |只看該作者

Re: 教仔教到好激氣!


唔好以為個仔唔識呀, 其實佢哋好多嘢都知點解, 唔識講唔等於唔識聽. 你要比佢意識到罰企係唔可以玩, 唔可以郁, 第一次唔知, 第二次都會知係被罰呀! 當然要解釋比佢聽佢做錯啲乜先會被你罰啦!


積分: 319

發表於 06-2-10 10:14 |只看該作者

Re: 教仔教到好激氣!


你個仔好慘,連想o係 home environment 觀察o下o黎學習ge 機會都冇埋。


積分: 3573

發表於 06-2-10 10:47 |只看該作者

Re: 教仔教到好激氣!


我個女都好為食, 佢好細個未識講嘢就會自己去搵嘢食, 我媽咪已經將啲食物放係兩個LOCK AND LOCK盒處, 佢都可以開到, 我哋教佢要食就話比我哋聽, 因為唔係樣樣嘢都可以食呀, 不過佢問我哋之後, 我哋都會比佢自己去攞.


積分: 94

發表於 06-2-10 16:01 |只看該作者

Re: 教仔教到好激氣!

cwcw 寫道:
Repetition to us is the reinforcement of the message - he will be punished when he does something wrong.

We believe the message is much more important than the words or us posing as examples for him to follow and copy. So when even the domestic helper is punishing our BB, we never interfere. Even when we have conflicting views about BB's education, we still help each other out first by reinforcing the punishment and settle our disputes later when the BB is asleep. When BB's asking for help from his granny, his granny will help us by ignoring him or asking him to say sorry to whoever he has wronged.

I don't believe the BB will kill himself by banging his head on the wall. (To protect him, try the plastic floor mats and place them everywhere he can find a hard wall or floor). The message, which is very wrong, of banging his head against the wall is the worried parents and he will soon get what he wants. The BB is controlling the parents and not the other way round.

I remember when our baby was about 2, he once got his whole body on the floor, yelling and shouting, crawling like an animal, completely in opposite to the education we have given him - just a simple want: a very cheap toy car he saw in a cheap toy shop. The place where this happened was very near a wet market, extremely dirty.

My reaction was to pick him up so that he might not get sick from the dirtiness. But I ignored him and kept walking on, as if nothing had happened. My focus was the message - it's no use going naughty and no one would care and give him what he wants. After that, he never once got so naughty as to yell, crawl, cry in the public. He knew long time ago that once he does that, we will only walk away and he will, every single time, get his punishment. After punishment, no candy or whatever in th form of rewards for at least ONE day.

I don't quite remember when I last got angry with him but I think this insistence give us rewards - BB's reasonably good behaviour.

My experience about BB's age and the time when he couldn't even speak is like this - when the message is right and consistent, BBs undersatnd. I started hitting his hand (extremely gently) when he tried to get near an electric fan when he was less than 1 year old.

Hope it helps.

I do ignore him when he is crawling or yelling on the street. But now I started to tell him and explain to him more after he had done something wrong. But he has a big temper and he always hit himself when he's expressing temper. I just ignore him since I think he should know it's hurt and pain. If I stop him when he's throwing things, he'd shouting, hit his head, then sometimes hit me. Then I speak to him firmly "can not!" then he'll cry and want me to hug him. But now uauslly I'll explain to him and tell him gentlely why he can't throw things then I made him to clean up and put it back with me then I'll hug him back. Now I always correct what he'd done wrong so that's why usually crys all day. (coz I can't spoil him anymore and should teach him from now!)


積分: 319

發表於 06-2-10 17:06 |只看該作者

Re: 教仔教到好激氣!

Pat bee,

I just read my own diary when my baby was a bit less than 2. Comparing what he did then and what he does (4 years old) now, I am very pleased he has made such progress.

Back then, we ignored him persistently whenever he cried and went crazy. Our message then and now is still the same - it's no use going crazy and what he finally gets is always punishment. And we never lose out temper dealing with his craziness. We do not say anything while he's being carzy. That action of ignoring is absolute, excluding measures that are taken to assure his safety.

For example, while he's being crazy, moving to the edge of the window place (窗台) about to fall down, we move him like a piece of furniture from the window place to the sofa or the plastic floor mats, not giving him any response or even a look in his eyes. The message is - it's no use going carzy.

I once read from an educationist that children this age think the world is made for themselves. That's why we focus on this message - the world is not made for him.

Looking back, it's a very difficult period for us, but so far we have made it. As a parent, I am confident that I have at least done something to control his temper and given him some quality home education.

Hope all these don't sound like I am bragging. Just hope it will help.


積分: 319

發表於 06-2-10 17:18 |只看該作者

Re: 教仔教到好激氣!

One more thing. Enforcement of punishment for every single time of wrongdoing is extremely difficult. It takes patience and faith.


積分: 10694

發表於 06-2-10 17:50 |只看該作者

Re: 教仔教到好激氣!

cwcw 寫道:

你個仔好慘,連想o係 home environment 觀察o下o黎學習ge 機會都冇埋。




積分: 414

發表於 06-2-10 23:04 |只看該作者

Re: 教仔教到好激氣!



