



積分: 533

發表於 07-4-12 13:00 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 2003~3月媽媽會Part 48

Agnes got a 油畫板 style's 獎狀. I picked up the bookmark of cc's 畫作, will give to cc on Monday.

re: 4月15日- 深港西部通道百萬行
This Sunday we will go to 百萬行 with Agnes & Anisa, and Agnes will quit ballet class AGAIN. She will 補課 tomorrow.

re: nail
Yesterday went to 糖糖's place. In fact her place is similar to naxxnaxx. With that confortable environment, I also did the hand treatment (for an hour) ... so relaxing, moisturing, and .... bleeding (my purse)


積分: 533

發表於 07-4-17 13:24 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 2003~3月媽媽會Part 48


積分: 533

發表於 07-4-26 13:45 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 2003~3月媽媽會Part 48

<------ 我家二小姐近照


積分: 533

發表於 07-7-16 10:23 |顯示全部帖子
Hi all,

I'm back to BK but my BBChiu'sMom login was being canceled by BK :-( :-( Guess I have the (') under my login name. I just send them an email, and hope they can reload my previous message and all signature bar etc ...

Woo woo, I haven't login for at least a month. I just done my quarter-end, and now my maid is on her happy vacation (for 3 weeks - 2 already past and 1 to go) ... So, recently I'm quite busy and haven't login for a while.

How's everybody? As you all may know I've moved to TKS top floor ... It's super hot hot hot. Every morning I need to go to the 天台 to 濆水 to try to cool down the room temperate. If I ever buy an apartment again, top floor? No Thanks.

NDS ... recently I'm playing the animal crossing. That's super fun fun fun. I try to play that when Agnes wasn't around - attending class, sleeping etc. In fact, she is not interested in playing, but love to watch how I played.

Benben, know that cc was hurt the other day, and now is getting better, right?! How's everybody?

Chat later, as I need to finish up my work during morning tiime (half day off for these two weeks).

You folks have Wed lunch? When and where??


