



積分: 500

發表於 05-11-3 06:50 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 2003年3月媽媽會 Part 32

Haven't been there for some time; and new page tim!!!

Congratulations, Puppy! Oscarma, I guess Osanna is ready to see her daddy, mommy and brother soon!!

The house is still a mess. The insurance came and made an estimate. They needed to fix some parts of the wall first, then put the new carpet on. I hope everything will be done by this week. They're just so slow . . . like tortoise !!!! It's been 2 weeks la!!

Wanna write chinese, but I couldn't find the "writing pen". Don't know where it is.

Seems like many of the kids have had their interviews, and some have been accepted too. Congrats and good luck! My little Him Him is still at home ; well, different school system!

You all take care!


積分: 500

發表於 05-11-3 09:38 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 2003年3月媽媽會 Part 32


Morning to you too . Yes, I'm still here! It's about 5:40pm (Wed) here!

I think I've missed many of the messages here. The messages just moved too fast and it's hard to catch up

How's the weather in HK? It's getting much cooler here, but it suddenly became very warm these two days. Crazy weather, no wonder kids get sick so easily!!


積分: 500

發表於 05-11-9 07:32 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 2003年3月媽媽會 Part 32

恭喜 Oscarma!!!!!! A family of FOUR now!!!!

係喎,Yuma, you're next! Schedule 了日子生, or 自然生呀? Take care!

Like your daughter's 大頭相, so cheerful! 最近我個仔"興"映相時扮鬼臉 :tongue: , 矇起隻眼, 古靈精怪!

有個朋友有咗5個月, 3月頭生, 大嗰個女年尾就2歲, 依家陀住又係女,都不知幾開心, but 佢 hubby 就恨仔! 通常冇咩就恨咩架啦 If hubby and I are having a second one, we'd love to have a girl. 可惜 hubby 屋企人成日"潑冷水", 話佢哋好旺丁 (事實上又係嘅 )! 見到你哋有囡囡, 真係羨慕!! 唔知有冇咩 tips 易生女呢 ?-( :mrgreen: ? 我知係50/50, 問吓啫

依家間屋終於鋪緊地毯喇!! 今朝簡直混亂, D 人要我搬走所有 furniture (一件不留!!), 事前又冇講定, hubby 去咗返工, 謙謙同我在 home. Finally those people 肯幫我搬 D heavy stuff (dining table, sofa, cupboards, cabinets . . .) 出屋外. 後未發現佢哋連雪柜都搬咗出去 :evil: !! 我估 if I don't open the fridge that often, 裡面 D 嘢唔會壞啩??! So 煩!!!

我 99 asked me a question: 如果又再水浸咁點呀 ?? 唔係啦啩??!!


積分: 500

發表於 05-11-12 09:49 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 2003年3月媽媽會 Part 32


You should be fine, because little B is arriving very soon. Just watch your diet carefully for a few more days!!

To all children who'll be going to the interview: Good luck , be good , be smart , be "cooperative "!


積分: 500

發表於 05-11-12 10:01 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 2003年3月媽媽會 Part 32


Only u are there? You have to work every Sat?

Took my little boy to his daddy's office today because it's "Kids at Work" day. Him Him was having fun for the first part, but then was bored. The activities are mainly for older kids (age 5+). His daddy had to work though. The older kids were being toured about the office. After lunch, I decided to take Him Him home because there's not much to do in the afternoon. And, his daddy told me that Him Him won a prize in the afternoon lucky draw. However, he wasn't there, so he couldn't take the gift:wink: !!!


積分: 500

發表於 05-11-18 09:28 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 2003年3月媽媽會 Part 32


Congratulations !! 3 boys!! Wow !!! The 4 male (including daddy) must protect you so well !!!


積分: 500

發表於 05-11-18 12:15 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 2003年3月媽媽會 Part 32


Hello ! Long time no see on BK. Good that you're breastfeeding Osanna and glad that she's eating well. So, are you breastfeeding her exclusively or mixed with formula?

Are you going to have Osanna baptized?

Waiting for the photos . . . I know, you have to wait for Oscarpa to send them to you . . . I'll wait :wink:


積分: 500

發表於 05-11-18 15:52 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 2003年3月媽媽會 Part 32


One more day . . . yeah ! Hope the elder one will be recovered soon, so she can welcome her little sister tomorrow!

Packed everything? Take care. All the best from LA !


積分: 500

發表於 05-11-19 05:19 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 2003年3月媽媽會 Part 32


Oh yes, now I remember. The baptism in HK is scheduled on specific days, like around big cerebrations, because it's a tradition to have a lot of babies being baptized at the same time. Here it's different. We can have the baby baptisms any time you want, because Father would do it one on one.

How's Oscar doing with his little sister?


積分: 500

發表於 05-11-19 09:42 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 2003年3月媽媽會 Part 32

Oscarma and Rabbit,

Mixxx? What's that? Anyway, I guess it all depends on the pastor/Father at church. At our church, you ask and you'll have your baby baptized as early as you can. 神父非常樂意 "one on one" 咁同 BB 領洗,so in our church most babies have 自已的 baptism. Him Him was baptized on Easter Sunday when he's 3 weeks old. The baptism was done after Mass and he's the only one who's baptized on that day. Usually the Catholic church strongly recommends the parents to bring their children to baptism as early as possible.

Maybe the priest in your boss' grandson's church is lazy and he wants to have more babies to be baptized at the same time? Or the priest already knows there'll be other babies to be baptized on Christmas day, so he'd rather have all the babies being baptized at the same time! Anyway, Christmas is coming and they don't have to wait for too long.

Rabbit, how nice to be godparents!

Oscarma, oh, you were born in Thailand? Then you went to HK for school?


積分: 500

發表於 05-11-22 06:05 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 2003年3月媽媽會 Part 32


You're a big sister now. Congratulations to your mommy and daddy too !!


積分: 500

發表於 05-11-22 13:17 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 2003年3月媽媽會 Part 32

Benben and Rabbit,

I’m a pianist and I just stopped teaching piano after my son was born. My suggestion would be to start piano lessons when the kid is about 4 to 5 years. By that age, they know more, understand more and are easier to follow directions and have longer attention span. I myself started piano lesson when I was 4 though.

小王子 & Shek,

Here in LA, many people are sick with flu too!!!! My hubby caught the virus from the office, passed it to our boy and finally, my lovable son passed it to me some days ago. My hubby is still coughing; Him Him still has running nose, and I have a cold, cough and sore throat. They’re getting better, but poor me, just the beginning !! I have no time to rest because Him Him is so active and energetic at home. My hubby works late too :-| !

Hope all of us will be recovered soon !!


積分: 500

發表於 05-11-24 06:40 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 2003年3月媽媽會 Part 32


Poor boy! 希望瘀傷快啲好啦 !


雖然未親身見過大女,但睇相阿細女都好似家姐喎,BB 肥嘟嘟,好得意 !!


Long time no see! 話咁快 Monica 又 3 個月喇 :-P !

It's Thanksgiving day tomorrow (Thu). Hubby will get Thu and Fri off, yes! Plan to take Him Him to Legoland and have some fun !


積分: 500

發表於 05-11-27 15:10 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 2003年3月媽媽會 Part 32


We went to Legoland on Friday (Thanksgiving holiday.) It's 1.5 hours drive. There's ONLY one ride that Him Him could take (because of his age) . Well, good that we got 75% discount of the tickets :mrgreen: I think he'll enjoy it more when he grows older :lol:

Some Legoland photos . . .


積分: 500

發表於 05-11-29 11:21 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 2003年3月媽媽會 Part 32


When I breastfed Matthias, I used Lansinoh to treat and sooth the pain or cracked nipples. If I remember correctly, I did see that product in one of the BB magazines in HK. It's very good and it's safe to use during breastfeeding.

Take a look - Lansinoh

Keep on breastfeeding. It's a challenge for the first few months, but once you've used to it, it's easy. I've breastfed Matthias for 26 months ah :lol: !


Congratulations ! Quite a number of babies (of 0303 mommies) will be born next year! Yeah!

BBChiu's mom,

Re: Legoland - miniland

Yes, the miniland was very impressive and I love to look at the buildings. I wonder how long they've put all the lego bricks together ?-( However, my little boy was too tired when we got to that area and he fell asleep !


